Discover the world of engineering and design in this in-depth eight-part series. Students will build three-dimensional and architectural designs from simple to complex. Then, they’ll use coding to make designs that move. This class will use the Makecode and Mirobit platforms.
Pre-registration is required. $10 per class. Sign up here!
Every First Friday the Lancaster Science Factory offers free admission from 5 – 7pm. Explore over 70 interactive exhibits for kids in grades K – 8 and their families! This…
February is National Bird Feeding Month! Pop into the Maker Space to explore the sounds, songs, and calls of birds in your neighborhood. Checkout the cool identification tools of Cornell…
Pre-K STEM Explorers allows kids ages 4 to 6 to engage in hands-on introductory programs on STEM topics and their application in the world around them. This program is FREE…
Discover the world of engineering and design in this in-depth eight-part series. Students will build three-dimensional and architectural designs from simple to complex. Then, they’ll use coding to make designs…
Explore early-grade math concepts through art! Learn how famous artists used geometry and patterns to create their works, and make some mathematical masterpieces of your own! This is a four-class…
Spend your day off from school at the Lancaster Science Factory! Kids in grades K – 8 will enjoy two different hands-on STEM sessions with plenty of time to explore the exhibit…