YES! We are OPEN on Monday, January 20th, from 10am - 5pm!

Homeschool Hands-On STEM

We are proud to be a trusted educational partner to homeschool families across Central Pennsylvania. Homeschool classes are offered at the Lancaster Science Factory on select days during the Fall/Winter and Winter/Spring semesters. Classes offer a chance to engage students in group learning and hands-on experimentation.

Homeschool STEM classes have now ended. Please check out our other Hands-on STEM classes and Summer Camps for additional educational opportunities through August 2021.



Homeschool families should also consider membership to the Lancaster Science Factory for a considerable savings on general admission. Homeschool groups may enjoy the benefits of our cost-effective field trip packages.


Our Homeschool Class Mission

The mission of our homeschool class programming is to innovatively introduce or reinforce STEM concepts to students in grades 1-6.

As with all of our programs, we strive to connect these topics to meaningful, real-world application.  In the sprit of the Lancaster Science Factory, our educators use inquiry-based hands-on learning during each lesson. Student are engaged  both individually and in groups.

All classes are based on the Standards Aligned System of the PA Department of Education. We strive to accommodate students’ individual needs and learning styles.

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