The Lancaster Science Factory is closed on Tuesday, September 10th, and Wednesday, September 11th, as we complete construction on our admission desk and Science-to-Go store.

More Classes Added for Fall 2020

The Lancaster Science Factory is offering more in-person and interactive STEM classes for homeschool, cyber school, and hybrid students this fall!  New classes have been added for students in grades K – 8.

All classes are one hour, and will run each Friday from November 13th – December 11th at 1:00 pm. 

Early learners in grades K  – 3 will explore the foundations of STEM topics by applying them to the world around them. Activities include messy chemistry, building and engineering, time and measurement, and more!

Students in grades 4 – 8 will dive into STEM topics by solving real world problems. They’ll apply science, technology, engineering, and math as they complete projects like catapults, hydraulic lifts, Rube Goldberg machines, and more!

Classes for each age group will run simultaneously as a convenience to families.

Because of physical distancing requirements, capacity will be limited and COVID-19 Health and Safety Policies will apply.  Masks are required for entry to our facility.

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